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  • Welcome to gainspeed Ltd,

    CE Marking Specialists

    A South Wales based Product  Certification and training company, specialising in supporting small to medium enterprises in meeting their CE Marking obligations

  • Specialists in EMC and Low Voltage

    (Safety) Directives

    We specialise in European and Worldwide approvals.

  • Flexible, Professional, and Affordable Service

    We are a small organisation employing only

    highly experienced associates.

Risk Assessment from Gainspeed, part of the new LVD requirements

Risk assessment gainspeedAs part of the new Low Voltage Directive, manufacturers are required to include an ‘adequate analysis and risk assessment for their equipment within technical files. What this means is that a Risk Assessment should be undertaken as part of the conformity process. Product Risk Assessments have been around for a number of years now with the Machinery and Medical Devices Directive all having them as a requirement, but it will now become a common requirement across all of the new CE Marking Directives.

The purpose of the risk assessment is to help manufacturers identify the hazards relevant to their products and to use this information to help identify the applicable essential requirements of the directive and any standards that can be employed to reduce or eliminate the risks. Whilst risk assessments can be subjective, Gainspeed is available to help manufacturers through the process.

Why use Gainspeed?

  • We have carried out risk assessments for a wide variety of customers, giving a wealth of experience and knowledge to ensure the best possible results
  • We offer a complete risk assessment of your product to the relevant standards, at a very competitive price
  • The processes is simple and at the end you will receive a full risk assessment report ready to enter in your technical file
  • All our staff have attended a certified course in Machinery safety and CE marking from EEF (Engineering Employers’ Federation)
  • After calculating the cost of purchasing all the relevant standards needed to carry out a professional risk assessment, it soon becomes evident that its more cost effective to use a third party like Gainspeed
  • Using an external company like Gainspeed to assess your company is simply good practice

If you would like a Gainspeed Risk Assessment please contact us or call us on Tel: +44 (0) 7828536741

To help you understand the process, we have created a quick guide on what to expect from this service.

Step One

The client provides an example unit, user manual and relevant documents ready for inspection

Step Two

Gainspeed will inspect the unit and user manual, ideally a representative for each of the following will also be present. (One person can represent more than one role if applicable)

  • Project Manager
  • Technical Advisor
  • Software Advisor
  • Production Advisor
  • Packaging Advisor
  • Field Technical Advisor

Using the relevant standards plus manufacturers and Gainspeeds experience, we will identify all the risks associated with every aspect of the product.

Step Three
Once all the risks have been identified we will score the risks based on Likelihood of Occurrence, Frequency of Exposure, Degree of Possible Harm and Number of Persons at risk.
The resultant risk level will determine the need for further action.
For example..
A Moving blade may pose a high risk of harming the user and be deemed an unacceptable risk. Further action may be to fit a locked guard to protect the user and appropriate warning symbols.
Step Four
All further actions are addressed and the unit is reassessed to be of acceptable risk overall.
Step Five
Gainspeed create a risk assessment report and all attendees sign and agree the findings. This is then used to satisfy the LVD or relevant standard associated with the unit, finally ready to be entered in the technical file.

On average a full risk assessment only takes between 1-2 days depending on the client and product!