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New Directives on the way! 2014/53/EU, 2014/35/EU and 2014/30/EU


The European Commission has recently released an Application of Directives. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the date of applicability and their transitional period (if any) for the new Directives of the electrical sector.


What Directives apply?


When do the new Directives apply?


Products within OLD LVD/EMCD that continue to be within the NEW LVD/EMCD

Products placed on the market
Applicable Directive(s)
before 20 April 2016 old LVD/EMCD
after 20 April 2016 new LVD/EMCD


Products within R&TTED that continue to be within the RED

Products placed on the market
Applicable Directive(s)
before 13 June 2016 R&TTED
between 13 June 2016 and 12 June 2017 R&TTED or RED
after 12 June 2017 RED


Products within OLD/NEW LVD/EMCD that will be within the RED

Products placed on the market
Applicable Directive(s)
before 20 April 2016 old LVD/EMCD
between 20 April 2016 and 12 June 2016 new LVD/EMCD
between 13 June 2016 and 12 June 2017 RED or new LVD/EMCD
after 12 June 2017 RED


Products within R&TTED that will not be within the RED

Products placed on the market
Applicable Directive(s)
before 13 June 2016 R&TTED
after 12 June 2016 new LVD (or GPSD)(1)/EMCD

(1)If the LVD is not applicable (eg if the supply voltage is too low) the General Product Safety Directive could be applicable provided that the equipment is a consumer product.

Low Voltage Directive Transition from 2006/95/EC to 2014/35/EU

A Guidance document on the Low Voltage Directive transition from 2006/95/EC to 2014/35/EU is now available, with a list of frequently asked questions and answers.

This document is preliminary, pending finalisation of the revised Blue Guide (planned for end of 2015) and the LVD Guidelines (planned for mid-2016).

This document states:
“. . . . the main changes in the new Directive 2014/35/EU with respect to the previous Directive 2006/95/EC are quite limited, and do not concern the most substantial characteristics of the act that remain the same: scope, safety objectives, conformity assessment procedure.”
The main changes are the following:


  • New Directive reference number
  • Definitions updated in-line with the NLF
  • Economic operators, and their obligations, defined as:
  1. Manufacturers,
  2. Authorised representatives,
  3. Importers,
  4. Distributors
  • Harmonised standards and presumption of conformity: reference to Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012
  • CE marking: reference to Regulation (EC) No 765/2008
  • Market surveillance and safeguard procedure: reinforced activities and new simplified procedures
  • Commission Implementing Decisions on formal objections against harmonised standards and safeguard clauses against products: reference to Regulation (EU) No 182/2011
  • More detailed contents for the declaration of conformity, (Annex IV)

European Standards for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

CENELEC has just published an informative guide called “European Standards for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)


The WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU addresses producers and importers of EEE in Europe. It sets requirements and targets for the collection and treatment of WEEE.

The European standards, developed in support of the WEEE Directive, cover all product categories and address the collection, transport and treatment, including preparation for reuse of the WEEE.

The objectives of the standards are to:

  • Assist treatment operators in fulfilling the requirements of the WEEE Directive without placing unnecessary administrative burdens on operators of any size, including small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Give additional guidance to operators.
  • Cover the treatment of waste from all products within the extended scope of the WEEE Directive.
  • Cover the collection and logistics of WEEE to allow proper treatment.




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New Harmonised standard list for the Radio Equipment Directive

Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU)

There is a new publications in the OJEU of standards harmonised under the Radio Equipment Directive:

  • 8th June 2017                      2017/C 180/04 29 standards added

This brings the total number of standards harmonised under the RED to 140
(compared to over 200 standards harmonised under the R&TTE Directive – the work will continue)

However, of the 29 standards added in June, 21 of them were R&TTE harmonised standards that do not include receiver performance requirements, so the following disclaimer has been added to each of them in the listing:

“This harmonised standard does not address requirements relating to receiver performance parameters and does not confer a presumption of conformity as regards those parameters.”

So receiver performance will have to be addressed by other means