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Category: RoHS Directive

RoHS Directive

Conflict minerals: MEPs ask for mandatory certification of EU importers

Conflict minerals: MEPs ask for mandatory
certification of EU importers

EU importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold for manufacturing consumer goods
need to be certified by the EU to ensure that they do not fuel conflicts and human
rights abuses in conflict areas, say MEPs in their position on a draft law adopted on
Wednesday by 402 votes to 118, with 171 abstentions.

Read More

Posted in News, RoHS Directive |

Waste and Recycling eBulletin – July 2015

In the News

HSE releases annual workplace fatality statistics

Provisional annual data for work-related fatal accidents in Great Britain’s workplaces shows small change from previous years, sustaining a long term trend that has seen the rate of fatalities more than halve over the last 20 years. Information on rates and numbers across different industries such as W&R are included.

Publication of HSE Annual report and accounts 2014/15

The HSE Annual Report and Accounts summarises our performance during 2014/15.

RWM Exhibition 15-17 September 2015

HSE will be attending the exhibition at the NEC Birmingham. Come and meet the team at Stand no 4K32.

New telephone number for reporting RIDDORs

HSE has introduced an alternative 0345 phone number to report fatal and specified injuries, helping to cut the cost of telephone calls for the public.  The new number for the RIDDOR Incident Contact Centre is 0345 300 9923.

Free-to-download Safety Wizard app

A free-to-download health and safety app to help small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) manage common workplace risks is available. The ‘SME Safety Wizard app’ is structured around HSE’s Toolbox guidance.

Read more on the HSE website

Posted in News, RoHS Directive |

NMRO – Guidance to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU

Updated guide from the NMRO available on line

The aim of the National Measurement and Regulation Office (NMRO) is to simplify technical regulation for the benefit of British business.

Key changes are:

• the inclusion of the new banned substances (DEHP, BBP, DBP & DIBP),

• the updating of web references

• A new Appendix 3 Legislative references

Take care, there are some errors
Appendix 2 “Exemptions: other applications”
The exemptions for “Lead” and “Cadmium” are incorrectly identified as “Mercury exemptions” in the table on pages 27 through 32.

Posted in News, RoHS Directive |

EU Conflict Minerals Regulation adopted

Key points:


The new regulation is expected to be signed into EU law by the end of May 2017.

The new regulation will take effect on 1 January 2021

Who will be effected?

The regulation only applies directly to EU-based importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, whether these are in the form of mineral ores, concentrates or processed metals, for example

Upstream companies

(ie mines / traders / smelters & refiners)

Have to comply with mandatory rules on due diligence when they import

Downstream companies

(ie traders / component producers / manufacturers & assemblers / end-users)

  • those importing metal-stage products also have to meet mandatory due diligence rules
  • those operating beyond the metal stage do not have obligations under the regulation;  but they are expected to use reporting and other tools to make their due diligence more transparent


Official information / documents

Source:                    European Commission “Europa” website

Press release:

Draft regulation:


The regulation explained: