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  • Welcome to gainspeed Ltd,

    CE Marking Specialists

    A South Wales based Product  Certification and training company, specialising in supporting small to medium enterprises in meeting their CE Marking obligations

  • Specialists in EMC and Low Voltage

    (Safety) Directives

    We specialise in European and Worldwide approvals.

  • Flexible, Professional, and Affordable Service

    We are a small organisation employing only

    highly experienced associates.

Category: News

AV Power Consumption standard updated

AV Power Consumption standard updated
An update of the standard for Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment (EN 62087:2012) is about to be published.
It will now be a 6 part collection of standards (EN 62087-*:2015, “Audio, video, and related equipment. Determination of power consumption”)

* Part 1: General (preview)

* Part 2: Signals and media

* Part 3: Television sets (preview)

* Part 4: Video recording equipment (preview)

* Part 5: Set top boxes (STB) (preview)

* Part 6: Audio equipment (preview)

Our August 2015 Newsletter packed with latest Compliance news!

Your free comprehensive guide, perfect for saving you time.

Were very proud to announce the Gainspeed news letter is here. Its a friendly complimentary newsletter on everything compliance.

Some of this months features.

Standards Watch
European standards being withdrawn
EU Directives changing
Lists of European Harmonised Standards
Breaking News
Compulsory country of origin marking: impact on UK business
New Standards
Compliance Calendar

Posted in News, News Letter |

New BS EN PUBLICATIONS (BS EN 50561-3:2016 & BS EN 62321-7-1:2015)

BS EN PUBLICATIONS Update to standards March 2016

BS EN 50561-3:2016
Power line communication apparatus used in low-voltage installations. Radio disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement. Apparatus operating above 30 MHz (See previous post)

BS EN 62321-7-1:2015
Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products. Determination of the presence of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in colorless and colored corrosion-protected coatings on metals by the colorimetric method

New IEC PUBLICATIONS (IEC 60598-1, IEC 60695-1-20:2016 & IEC 62911:2016)

IEC PUBLICATIONS Update to standards March 2016

IEC 60598-1
Luminaires. General requirements and tests

IEC 60695-1-20:2016
Fire hazard testing. Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products. Ignitability. General guidance

IEC 62911:2016
Audio, video and information technology equipment. Routine electrical safety testing in production

First Aid Courses, in association with Trail Safe Wales

Gainspeed is now offering First Aid Courses, in association with Trail Safe Wales


Trail Safe Wales delivers nationally accredited First Aid training to individuals who are seeking to gain a better understanding of immediate, temporary care. They aim to offer an informative, friendly service, making learning as practical as possible to ensure hands on experience.

Although based in South Wales, they are mobile and can provide courses on your business premises or close by.  They offer four different first aid qualifications, suited to a variety of clients.

The first aid qualifications are accredited by the national qualification regulators in Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales.

Statutory Qualifications for HSE Regulatory Compliance
Employers need to provide First Aid care on their premises for staff and have a duty of care towards all visitors and users of their facilities.
The importance of First Aid in the work place
HSE have made recommendations that all businesses and their premises have a suitably qualified First Aider onsite.  This will depend on the type of ‘business’ you are and what you offer as a service.  Employers now have to complete a hazard assessment of their business and premises which would indicate the level of First Aid cover needed.  Please follow this link to get a better understanding of how this works- HSE

To find out more, visit the website

Or contact them, on 07595 997695


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