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Category: News

UK Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations: guidance notes published

BIS has just published guidance notes on the UK Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations

This guide is addressed to those involved in the placing of packaged goods on the market. This guidance cannot cover every situation and, of course, it may be necessary to carefully consider the relevant legislation to see how it applies in your circumstances. However, if you do follow the guidance it will help you to understand how to comply with the law.

The essential requirements of this regulation are, in summary:
• Packaging volume and weight must be the minimum amount to maintain the necessary levels of safety, hygiene and acceptance for the packed product and for the consumer.
• Packaging must be manufactured so as to permit reuse or recovery in accordance with specific requirements.
• Noxious or hazardous substances in packaging must be minimised in emissions, ash or leachate from incineration or landfill.


Our September 2015 Newsletter packed with latest Compliance news!

Your free comprehensive guide, perfect for saving you time.

The  September Gainspeed newsletter is here. Its a friendly complimentary newsletter on everything compliance.

Some of this months features.

Standards Watch
European standards being withdrawn
EU Directives changing
Lists of European Harmonised Standards
Breaking News
UK Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations – Guidelines
A Reminder
The CE mark – what should it look like
New Standards
Compliance Calendar

Posted in News, News Letter |

Conflict minerals: MEPs ask for mandatory certification of EU importers

Conflict minerals: MEPs ask for mandatory
certification of EU importers

EU importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold for manufacturing consumer goods
need to be certified by the EU to ensure that they do not fuel conflicts and human
rights abuses in conflict areas, say MEPs in their position on a draft law adopted on
Wednesday by 402 votes to 118, with 171 abstentions.

Read More

Posted in News, RoHS Directive |