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    (Safety) Directives

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Category: New Standards/Directives

New Standards

AV Power Consumption standard updated

AV Power Consumption standard updated
An update of the standard for Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment (EN 62087:2012) is about to be published.
It will now be a 6 part collection of standards (EN 62087-*:2015, “Audio, video, and related equipment. Determination of power consumption”)

* Part 1: General (preview)

* Part 2: Signals and media

* Part 3: Television sets (preview)

* Part 4: Video recording equipment (preview)

* Part 5: Set top boxes (STB) (preview)

* Part 6: Audio equipment (preview)

UK Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations: guidance notes published

BIS has just published guidance notes on the UK Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations

This guide is addressed to those involved in the placing of packaged goods on the market. This guidance cannot cover every situation and, of course, it may be necessary to carefully consider the relevant legislation to see how it applies in your circumstances. However, if you do follow the guidance it will help you to understand how to comply with the law.

The essential requirements of this regulation are, in summary:
• Packaging volume and weight must be the minimum amount to maintain the necessary levels of safety, hygiene and acceptance for the packed product and for the consumer.
• Packaging must be manufactured so as to permit reuse or recovery in accordance with specific requirements.
• Noxious or hazardous substances in packaging must be minimised in emissions, ash or leachate from incineration or landfill.


BS EN 60601-1-2:2015 published

BS EN 60601-1-2:2015 “Medical electrical equipment Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance – Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic disturbances – Requirements and tests” has been published and is available through the BSI website article.

The most significant changes with respect to the previous edition include the following modifications:

  • specification of immunity test levels according to the environments of intended use, categorized according to locations that are harmonized with iec 60601-1-11: the professional healthcare facility environment, the home healthcare environment and special environments;
  • specification of tests and test levels to improve the safety of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems when portable rf communications equipment is used closer to the medical electrical equipment than was recommended based on the immunity test levels that were specified in the third edition;
  • specification of immunity tests and immunity test levels according to the ports of the medical electrical equipment or medical electrical system;
  • specification of immunity test levels based on the reasonably foreseeable maximum level of electromagnetic disturbances in the environments of intended use, resulting in some immunity test levels that are higher than in the previous edition; and
  • better harmonization with the risk concepts of basic safety and essential performance, including deletion of the defined term “life-supporting”;

and the following additions:

  • guidance for determination of immunity test levels for special environments;
  • guidance for adjustment of immunity test levels when special considerations of mitigations or intended use are applicable;
  • guidance on risk management for basic safety and essential performance with regard to electromagnetic disturbances; and
  • guidance on identification of immunity pass/fail criteria.